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12/11/2007 - Vatican - Ceferino, an extraordinary witness
(ANS – Vatican City) – At the end of the Angelus on Sunday, Benedict XVI, addressed the delegation of the Argentinian community present in St Peter’s Square and members of the Salesian Family recalling Ceferino Namuncurà beatified yesterday in Argentina at Chimpay by Cardinal Tracisio Bertone, Secretary of State.

After speaking about St Martin Bishop of Tours and leading the Angelus, the Pope made a brief reference to the new Blessed when greeting the people in Italian and then at greater length in Spanish.  “We thank the Lord for the extraordinary witness of this young student of 19 years of age who inspired by his devotion to the Eucharist and his love for Jesus Christ, wanted to become a Salesian and a priest to show the way to heaven to his Mapuche brothers.”

 “With his life,” Benedict XVI continued  “he enlightens our path towards holiness, inviting us to love our brothers and sisters with the love with which God loves us. We ask Mary Help of Christians that the example of the new Blessed may produce abundant fruits of Christian life  particularly among the young.”

Published 12/11/2007


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