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10/10/2007 - Morocco - 70 years for Don Bosco School
Photo for the article -MOROCCO – 70 YEARS FOR DON BOSCO SCHOOL
Documenti Correlati

(ANS – Kénitra) – On 1 October the Don Bosco School in Kénitra, Morocco celebrated the 70th anniversary of its foundation.

Even though most of the pupils and staff are Muslims, Don Bosco School is known as a Catholic and Salesian school and appreciated for it style of education.

In the evening after Muslim prayers for Ramadan, the whole school  community gathered together for the commemoration. Among those present were the “Pacha” of the city – the local authorities-, Archbishop  Vincent Louis Marie Landel, of Rabat, and heads of the various private and public Catholic schools in Kénitra. There was also a good number of Past Pupils and former teachers of the Salesian school including  Mrs Mézerais, one of the former teachers who for 35 years taught in the school with her husband. Over 600 parents also took part.

During the evening the history of the school was recalled. Particularly moving was the  dedication of some places to three of the former Rectors of the school: Fr Léon Beissière, Fr Pierre Richer and Fr Ferdinand Palkovic. Special mention was also made of Mr. Roland Mézerais, the former teacher.

At the end of the evening the authorities present signed a parchment that will form part of the ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone of the “Don Bosco Institute”, a new educational venture on the part of the Church and of the Salesian Congregation.

Published 10/10/2007

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