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18/9/2007 - Spain –Xth Eurobosco comes to an end

(ANS – Pamplona) - On 16 September before the conclusion of the Xth EUROBOSCO, held in the city of Pamplona, Spain, the Don Bosco Past Pupils of Europe, represented by 180 members of the  10 National Federations, wanted to send a message to all the Past Pupils of the continent.

“As we conclude our meeting,” the message reads, “we address you the Don Bosco Past Pupils of Europe, members of the Federations or not, in the hope that together we can continue to give our specific and Salesian response to the new demands of the young.”

The message entitled “final declaration and proposal for the future” expresses the sense the Past Pupils have of seeing themselves “co-responsible for Salesian education in Europe” and also “called to communicate the values of life in a Europe of ambiguity.”

The document contains a series of proposals arising from the work of the Xth Eurobosco Assembly.

Also taking part in EUROBOSCO were  Fr Adriano Bregolin, Vicar of the Rector Major Dr. Francesco Muceo, World President of the Don Bosco Past Pupils, Fr Filiberto Rodríguez, Councillor for the West Europe Region, Fr Jerónimo da Rocha Monteiro, World Councillor of the Past Pupils as well as various civil authorities and representatives of the local Salesian educative community.

Published 18/09/2007


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