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31/7/2007 - Ecuador - Situation regarding the process of beatification of Fr Carlos Crespi
(ANS – Cuenca) – The process of the beatification of Fr Carlos Crespi moves ahead. At least so the local daily paper with the widest circulation in Cuenca, "La Tarde" announced on 26 July. The local media gave considerable coverage to the visit by the Postulator General for the Causes of Saints of the Salesian Family, to the places associated with the mission of the Servant of God Fr Carlos Crespi SDB who died at Cuenca in 1982, described by the people as "the apostle of the poor."

The Postulator, accompanied by Fr Luciano Bellini, Rector of the Salesian Polytechnic University of Cuenca and the  Vice Postulator of the Cause, and his collaborators, prayed at the tomb of the Servant of God in the cemetery in Cuenca, always decorated with flowers placed there by the faithful. He also visited the Museum, which contains numerous mementos of Fr Crespi, and he said Mass  in the Sanctuary of Mary Help of Christians, from where the charitable work of the heroic missionary has spread.

Fr dal Covolo was also able to meet the members of the diocesan tribunal set up on 8 December by the Archbishop of Cuenca, and was gratified to see how much progress the diocesan process has made. It is hoped that it can be completed within a year. Then returning to Quito, accompanied by Fr Cosimo Semeraro, the Postulator met the Archbishop of the Diocese, Mgr. Raùl Vela, and the Nuncio Apostolic, Archbishop Giacomo G. Ottonello.

Published 31/07/2007

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