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20/7/2007 - Ecuador - First National Meeting of "Street Children"
(ANS - Cuenca) - About 130 boys and girls involved in the Salesian "Street Children" Project took part at Cuenca between 13 and 15 July in a meeting described as "The First National Meeting of children and teenagers in at risk situations or with odd jobs."

During the 3 days of the meeting the young people from the Salesian centres in Quito, Guayaquil, Esmeraldas, Santo Domingo and Cuenca, took part in various activities -  for training, reflection and recreation.

The days were made possible thanks to the support of various Salesian houses including the Salesian Centre of Spirituality and the Salesian Polytechnical University of Ecuador (UPS).

The meeting, which also included some sport and guided tours of parts of the city of Cuenca and its surroundings aroused the interest of the people from the various cities involved in the project as well of the local authorities and the media.

Pubished 20/07/2007

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