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25/2/2016 - RMG - The Salesian Missionary Volunteer Service

(ANS – Rome) – The missionary fire lighted by Don Bosco in the Oratory, continues today in Salesian houses when great ideals to be realised in their lives are offered to the young people; when the opportunity to direct their generosity to the fascinating projects of solidarity and mission are offered to the young people. This is the soul of the volunteer service.

Fr. Martín Lasarte, SDB

In recent years, particularly after the GC24, the Salesian Society reflected on the great pastoral, educational, vocational and missionary opportunity offered by the volunteer service. Therefore the Sectors for Youth Ministry and for Missions are promoting in the Provinces the development of this great gift for the young, for the Congregation and for the transformation of the world.

There are different kinds of volunteer service in civil society and also in the Salesian mission: some are more focused on the education of those who do it or the more mature commitment; others stress more the social or the missionary dimension. There are different types of volunteer service. Some lasts for a short time but with systematic interventions and with very intense experiences, others on long term basis. One can also do voluntary service in one’s own country or in other countries.

The volunteer service according to the Salesian spirit, without taking away the value of its other forms, is the Salesian Missionary Volunteer Service:

  • Volunteer service: this is not to be confused with cooperation or other educational and humanitarian agents, which are also important for the mission. The volunteer service is done freely, as an act of solidarity and gratuitously with a lay and professional dimension which requires competence and preparation;
  • Missionary: this does not mean that it focuses only on the explicit proclamation of the Gospel or on direct pastoral work, which is vital and important when it is possible. The term expresses its motivations and the witness of life. The volunteer, animated by his Christian faith, participates in the process of evangelization through his professional services. In fact it is a valid journey of growth in youthful holiness ;
  • Salesian: it is a charismatic feature of our volunteer service: the closeness to world of youth, to education; and all animated by an oratorian heart and the family spirit which enables one to be part of an educational community, in an educative-pastoral project .

The richness of the volunteer service in the Salesian mission, regenerates pastoral ministry, stirring up new enthusiasm and new horizons. In fact it is a privileged means for growth, for integral formation and for the fulfilment of the personal project of life and for the discovery of one’s vocation. Indeed, the Salesian Missionary Volunteer Service is a valuable and practical help for the Salesian mission and a valid proposal for the education in the faith of young people.

Published 25/02/2016

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