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11/2/2016 - Puerto Rico - Missionaries of Don Bosco among the people
Documenti Correlati

(ANS - Aguadilla) - The West Indies are a fascinating world full of islands and islets, and stories with people, places and events that make up a society with its own very different characteristics. "Every island is a separate entity, a new civilization, with a fortuitous origin and evolution" wrote the historian Patrick Leigh. The West Indies are a fascinating world. In this fascinating and varied world the Salesians have written a new story in the islands.

To celebrate the feast of Don Bosco, a group called "missionaries of Don Bosco" from the parish of St Joseph the Worker in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, organized an activity called "Don Bosco Olympics" for children with Down syndrome. Between games and laughter the children and young people had a lovely afternoon.

The group is made up of university students. They call themselves "Missionaries of Don Bosco" and are dedicated to bringing joy to people and to troubled situations. Following the Salesian charism, these young people hold various activities throughout the year: cleaning the beaches, bringing joy at Christmas, giving an afternoon of entertainment, offering their time as missionaries of God's Word, caring for and maintaining areas reserved for animals, and cooperating in initiatives of solidarity by donating food and other items. A special feature of the group is that every month, as part of their apostolate, the missionaries clean up the coast of Aguadilla, the so-called "Crash Boat" beach.

The challenge for the group is "to bring to others a bit of the joy that characterizes us. The group of 'Missionaries of Don Bosco' takes care of a Children’s Home called 'Regazo de Paz', bringing the children, joy, gifts, games, activities and our presence."

The most recent mission of this group was to bring a bit of joy to children and young people with Down syndrome.

Published 11/02/2016

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