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1/2/2016 - Sierra Leone - Don Bosco is alive among the young people and the prisoners

(ANS - Freetown)- In the past few days the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, on a visit to Sierra Leone, honoured Don Bosco by meeting prisoners, rejoicing with the youth, and celebrating the Eucharist with the Salesian Family. He was repeating gestures much loved by Don Bosco, the Father and Teacher of Youth.

On Saturday 30 January, before going to Don Bosco Fambul, Fr Á.F. Artime went to the main prison in Freetown, on Pademba Road. There, after a moment of prayer, the Rector Major heard touching stories of three detainees: Abdul, a young 24 year-old, incarcerated at 17, has never received a written charge and has had no chance to defend himself.  Mohamed has spent 10 years in prison, where he has been subjected to torture and humiliation. Ibrahim is a former street boy who was detained at Pademba.  Now he is a beneficiary of the programme of Don Bosco Fambul. All three of them said they had received hope through the name of Don Bosco.

"How much pain and how many emotions I felt being there with those young people, and remembering what Don Bosco would have said to them, that they have another opportunity and should not lose hope," the Rector Major said.

On Saturday evening he met the girls hosted at Don Bosco Fambul who are victims of violence and Ebola. He then went back to Lungi, to pass the eve of the Feast of Don Bosco with members of the Salesian Youth Movement. The young people performed dance and theatre from the Krio, Mende and Temne cultures and the Rector Major was very impressed by their performances. In the Good Night talk he said that African culture was rich in faith and love. The festivities ended with some tokens of homage to the Successor of Don Bosco.

Yesterday, Sunday 31 January, was the great day of celebration in honour of Don Bosco. Fr Á.F. Artime presided over the solemn Eucharist in the morning, in the church of Mary Help of Christians in Lungi, with over 2,000 people present. In a lively festive atmosphere he recalled how the Holy Spirit 200 years ago inspired a man to serve young people most in need, and that this man, Don Bosco, did not give up despite the great challenges and difficulties he had to face. Then he talked of the moving experiences he had had the day before in Freetown and Lungi, which really made him feel that Don Bosco is alive today in Sierra Leone. Finally, he issued an invitation to the young people to follow the example of Don Bosco and not to be afraid to follow Jesus.

Published 01/02/2016

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