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27/1/2016 - Vatican - A Salesian with Pope Francis and President Rohani

(ANS - Vatican City) - In the rooms of the Vatican, during the interview that took place yesterday between Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Pope Francis, there was also someone less known to the international media: it was Fr Karim Madjidi, a Salesian whose father is Iranian and mother Italian. Fr Madidi is currently Vice-Provincial of the Province of Central Italy.

The visit to the Vatican by a president of the Islamic Republic of Iran is not only a diplomatic meeting. Tts symbolic significance is evident at a time that sees the critical need to build bridges between religions, cultures and countries, and the event was one of enormous importance. 

During the meeting President Rouhani held a dialogue with the Pontiff and with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, and the Secretary for Relations with States, Monsignor Paul Gallagher, about the life of the Church in the country; the conclusion and application of the Nuclear Agreement; the role of Iran in the Middle East against terrorism and arms trafficking; and the importance of interreligious dialogue and religious communities in the promotion of reconciliation, tolerance and peace.

During the talks, Fr Madjidi made a simple but fundamental contribution in his role as translator.

Speaking by telephone to ANS shortly after he competed his service, Fr Madjidi commented on the friendly nature of the talks and the recognition of the moral stature of Pope Francis by President Rouhani. Then he said that this was not the first time that he has performed the task of a translator for the Holy See, since he is the only Catholic priest of Iranian origin in Italy.

Published 27/1/2016

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