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11/1/2016 - South Sudan - Don Bosco Gumbo Summer Camp 2015
Photo for the article -SOUTH SUDAN – DON BOSCO GUMBO SUMMER CAMP 2015

(ANS - Juba) – In December last, 270 children and young people took part in the Don Bosco Camp in Gumbo, a suburb of the capital Juba. The camp was organized by the Salesians in collaboration with some members of the St Vincent de Paul parish. The intention of the camp was to provide the children who come from our schools, the IDP camp, and the surrounding communities with an opportunity to spend their holidays in a useful manner and in a cheerful and healthy environment.

With this intention in mind, the camp organizers developed a holistic and balanced program designed to help them to develop a strong foundation of mind, body, and spirit.

The camp was led by the youth of our parish, the Pre-Novices of the Salesian community, and volunteers - all of whom served as Camp Animators. The camp began with an inauguration and blessing by Fr. P.L. Joseph (Delegate Superior) and Fr Tuli David (Parish Priest and Chief Coordinator of the Camp). The children were registered and then assigned to one of four camp teams: Team Don Bosco, Team Bhakita, Team Savio and Team Comboni. During the course of the ten days, the teams competed in activities and sports. A spirited sense of competition, as well as camaraderie, developed among the children, and much singing and cheering could be heard each day.

Every morning the young people were greeted at Morning Assembly, where we prayed together. Prayer was followed by a Good Morning talk, which offered a positive message of hope, joy, peace, and love. The children and young people then participated in morning classes that included English, Arabic and CRE. After a mid-morning breakfast, they engaged in sports and recreation.

Each day the goal was to remind the children of the words of Don Bosco - “Run, Jump, Yell, Play but do not Sin”. Art, Speech, Singing and Dance Competitions were held, as well as a Sports Day. The camp members also played many party games, and the camp ended with a movie entitled “Children of Heaven”, a cultural programme and distribution of prizes to the winners and the teams.

Published 11/1/2016

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