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11/12/2015 - Poland - Towards World Youth Day 2016 (2)
Photo for the article -POLAND – TOWARDS WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 (2)

(ANS - Krakow) - Here is the second part of the interview with Fr Adam Parszywka, SDB, Director of the Department of Communication of the Organizing Committee of World Youth Day 2016.

By Grażyna Starzak

"Do something yourself - become a volunteer" says one of the many posters created for WYD. It seems you will need up to 25,000 volunteers. Will you find that many?

I have no doubt we will.  We already have a large group of volunteers. Some have come from other countries and have already begun work. They are working, among other things, on the registrations (which can be sent in Polish, English, Italian, French and Spanish) and in communication, since all texts must be translated into the nine official languages.

Where do they come from?

From Italy, Germany, Russia and Brazil. The biggest group is from Brazil, and you can understand why, because they want to relive the experience they had at WYD in Rio de Janeiro. What matters for them is not only the big event, but also the shared preparation and the spiritual exercises. (...) There are many who devote themselves to this work also in the evenings and at weekends. We offer them only accommodation, bus tickets, insurance and money for food.

The spiritual preparation began almost as soon as Pope Francis announced the event. What is next on the programme for this year?   

The preparation is underway but there are many suggestions, coming mainly from different movements or ecclesial associations. As the Organizing Committee, we must address everything properly. I know that there are proposals for different age groups. They coincide with the commitments that Pope Francis has given us in his message for WYD 2016. He asked among other things that the seven corporal and seven spiritual works of mercy be practised in the months leading up to the meeting. The plans that we have prepared for each month are based on them. Beginning in December, there will be a series of retreats at the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Krakow-Lagiewniki, given by various preachers, including foreigners.

The Salesians are involved strongly, as evidenced by your work on the organizing committee.

Yes, it's true. But in addition to these preparations, we have our own Salesian programme which is closely linked to the main event. The meeting of the Salesian Youth Movement will take place on 27 July, the day dedicated to the communities and to catechesis. It is expected to attract around 12,000 young people.

An important part of the spiritual preparation is the pilgrimage of the symbols of WYD, the Cross and the Icon of Our Lady "Salus Populi Romani"

The symbols of WYD were brought to Poland on Palm Sunday, 13 April 2014. They have already visited 16 dioceses in Poland and 10 countries in Central and Eastern Europe, including war-torn Ukraine. Currently they are in Warsaw. From there they will move on to the Diocese of Toruń and so on according to plan. Wherever they go they are greeted by a multitude of people with great devotion and prayer.

Published 11/12/2015

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