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4/12/2015 - RMG - Course for new Salesian Provincials

(ANS - Rome)- Next Sunday 6 December, the formation course for new Salesian Provincial will begin. The course will be coordinated by Fr Francesco Cereda, Vicar of the Rector Major, and organized by Fr Saimy Ezhanikatt. During the course there will be talks by Fr Ángel Fernández Artime and by the members of the General Council and others.

Nine new Provincials will take part:

  • Fr Virgilio da Silva, Superior of Indonesia-East Timor (ITM)
  • Fr Charles SAW, Superior of Myanmar (MYM)
  • Fr Mario YAMANOUCHI, Provincial of Japan (GIA)
  • Fr Mathew Joyce Thonikuzhiyil, Provincial of India Bangalore (INK)
  • Fr Jose Mathew KOORAPPALLIL, Provincial of New Delhi (INN)
  • Fr Karol MANIK, Ukraine Greek-Catholic, Superior of Ukraine (UKR)
  • Fr Francisco BATISTA, Provincial of the Antilles (ANT)
  • Fr Juan Carlos PÉREZ, Provincial of Spain-St James the Greater SMM)
  • Fr Cristóbal López, Provincial of Spain-Mary Help of Christians (SMX)

The activities will include the study of various topics, with specific formation on the Rector Major’s programme for the six-year period, and the animation and government of the Province, and the religious life, given by the Vicar of the Rector Major.

The full program of activities will allow the Provincials to get to know each sector of animation of the Congregation directly thanks to the interventions of the respective Councillors and their teams; to receive further information on the situation of the various Salesian Regions, always through their relationships with the various Councillors and their collaborators; and to be informed about the activities of the various offices of specific service to the congregation - as, among others, the Secretariat for the Salesian Family and the Postulator General for the Causes of Saints.

There will also be moments of sharing, of fraternity and spirituality, with the possibility of participating in the opening events of the Jubilee.

The course will end on December 19.

Published 4/12/2016

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