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3/12/2015 - Belgium - Don Bosco International becomes part of EuroChild

(ANS – Bruxelles)– On 27 November, EuroChild, the European network advocating for children, accepted Don Bosco International, amongst its members. Don Bosco International has cooperated in recent years with EuroChild in the EU Alliance for Investing in Children, promoting for example the Written Declaration for Investing in Children.

Eurochild is currently working in several important areas related to the work of Salesian presence in Europe:

  • Children’s rights
  • Child Poverty
  • Early Years Education and Care
  • Family and Parenting Support
  • Child and Youth Participation
  • Children in Alternative Care

The last example of our cooperation with Eurochild was the activity held in the European Parliament on the occasion of the International Day of Children’s rights. On 18 and 19 November, Julie Ward MEP welcomed children from across Europe (Italy, Moldova, Kosovo, Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Lithuania, and the UK) to Brussels to talk with Members of the European Parliament and European Commission officials about their involvement in decision-making processes.

The children started on Wednesday afternoon with a workshop at the European Parliament, where they shared experiences of their involvement in CATS (Children as Actors for Transforming Society), in research, in Investing in Children schemes in the UK and in a project against violence in Italy. Children and adults exchanged experiences on children’s participation in small groups. They also shared obstacles that prevent the meaningful participation of children and gathered ideas on how decisions made at European level affecting children and young people can be improved.

Published 03/12/2015

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