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25/11/2015 - Central African Republic - Violence on the increase in Bangui, just days before the Pope’s visit

(ANS - Bangui) - "The situation is really bad. Violence has increased and every night we can hear the sounds of gunfire and grenades," says one of the Salesian missionaries who work in the Damala district of Bangui. "Some churches and places where displaced persons are being hosted have been attacked by Séléka militias" he adds.

The Salesians in the city have also observed that in recent weeks the killings and violence in the streets of the capital have increased, especially in the area closest to the PK5 neighbourhood. This has meant that hundreds of people have fled their homes and the number of displaced persons has grown.

The Salesian houses in Bangui, in Damala and Galabadja, house over 10,000 people in need of a safe place to live. "Another big problem is the shortage of food to feed all these people” they say. “No one is safe. A few days ago one of our missionaries had to run away because of a shooting, and a group of our young people were captured, among them one of our students from the vocational centre. Fortunately, they have since been released."

Despite this difficult situation, Pope Francis has confirmed his decision to visit the capital of the Central African Republic and today, 25 November, he has begun his trip to Africa in Kenya. "We are confident that his visit will bring peace," say the Salesians.

The Rector of the Cathedral of Bangui, l’AbbéMathieu Bondobo, described as a "moment of grace for all the people of Central Africa", the Pope's decision to open the first Holy Door of the Jubilee in Bangui on 29 Novemberduring his pastoral visit to the country.

"Through the Holy Door, God comes to us. He opens the door for us.  He shows us the way that leads us to God and this way passes through forgiveness and mercy," said the Rector, speaking to Vatican Radio. He expressed their joy at the Pope’s "exceptional gesture".

Because of his love for the "margins", the Holy Father has chosen to come to "Central Africa, a country that is experiencing a difficult time in its history", said l’AbbéBondobo. The intention of the Pope, he continued, is therefore to help the Central African people "to get out of this terrible situation, to live in peace and to encounter Christ".

Published 25/11/2015

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