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24/11/2015 - Vatican - "Educating Today and Tomorrow - a Passion that is Renewed"

(ANS - Vatican City) - On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of “Gravissimum Educationis” (the Second Vatican Council Declaration on Christian Education) and the 25th anniversary of "Ex Corde Ecclesiae" (Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities), a World Congress on the theme "Educating Today and Tomorrow – a Passion that is Renewed" took place in Rome from 18 to 21 November.

There were about 1300 participants, belonging to Episcopal Conferences, the Union of Superiors General of religious congregations, National and International Associations of Teachers and Directors of educational institutions - all people involved in the educational mission of Catholic schools worldwide. Among them there were 30 participants with responsibilities in Salesian schools.

The conference was organized by the Congregation for Catholic Education and the Office for International Catholic Education. It reflected on four main themes from a global aspect: the identity of Catholic education in rapidly changing multicultural and multi-religious situations; the educative community as the subject of Catholic education; the training of teachers in Catholic schools, and the changes that must take place in Catholic institutions to address better the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Many challenges were voiced; among the most important may be the question of integral education, the religious formation of children and young people, care for the most disadvantaged, multi-religiosity and inter-culturalism and the use of Information and Communication Technologies.

There were lectures, testimonies and panel discussion with international experts. Two Salesians contributed. Fr Marcelo Fontona, Uruguay, gave an analysis of the reality of education in Latin America.  Fr Miguel Angel García, of the Department for Youth Ministry, spoke about the formation of leaders, again with reference to Latin America.

The session on universities was held at the Mariapolis Centre in Castelgandolfo.  Professor Benedicto Jorge Baeza, Rector of the “Silva Henríquez" Catholic Salesian University and Fr Stephen Mavely, Rector of Assam Don Bosco University in Guwahati, reflected on the theme of the formation of the educative community. Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, spoke also at the Mariapolis Centre about the identity and mission of education in the Catholic school.

A significant moment was the audience with the Pope. In his address he responded to experiences and issues raised by the different educational situations in the world. He expressed his thanks and appreciation for the presence of different charisms engaged in education around the world and especially among the most disadvantaged. Citing Don Bosco, the Pope encouraged educators to have courage in difficult and unjust situations, to go out to the margins of the world and to live always in relationship with Jesus. He concluded by inviting the participants to rethink the works of mercy in the context of education.

Published 24/11/2015

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