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18/11/2015 - South Sudan - 80 000 displaced people in the area of Mundri

(ANS - Mundri) - Only in the last two months in South Sudan, in the area of Mundri, 80 thousand people were forced to flee and take refuge in the bush.  Many of them are dying of hunger or disease, especially malaria. It is one of the tragic effects of the violence that continues to mark the country.

Four and a half years since independence - obtained on 9 July 2011 following a popular referendum - South Sudan faces a terrible conflict that sees the government forces of President Kiir opposed by those loyal to former vice-president Machar. The clash, which began in December 2013, has forced more than 2 million people to flee their homes.

The situation in Mundri in the South-West of the country is particularly difficult. "As we speak dozens of people are dying, especially the elderly and children," said Fr David Kulandai Samy, a missionary of the Community of Mary Immaculate, speaking to the "Aid to the Church in Need" foundation.

The population has been deprived of everything: crops were destroyed, houses looted and their cattle stolen not to mention the endless continuation of the violence. "Many of our parishioners are hiding in the bush and are now living in terrible conditions, especially children who have no food, no water and no medical care," continued Fr Kulandai Samy.

South Sudanese religious leaders, led by Bishop Edward Hiiboro Kussala of Tombura-Yambio, have appealed for the immediate suspension of military operations in Mundri, so that we can provide appropriate assistance to displaced persons and families living in villages.

The Salesians of Don Bosco are present and active in the country, with four works, one of which is in Maridi not far from Mundri. The Sons of Don Bosco are helping displaced persons, for example by working in vocational training and also by distributing food at the refugee camp of Gumbo, a suburb of Juba.

Published 18/11/2015

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