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13/11/2015 - Croatia - Meeting of Delegates for Formation from the Central and Northern European Region
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(ANS - Plitvice) - A meeting of the Provincial Delegates for formation from Central and Northern Europe took place at Plitvice from 2 to 6 November. It was organized by Fr Ivo Coelho, Councillor General for Formation, together with Fr Chrys Saldanha and Fr Zenon Klawikowski.

The meeting was attended by seventeen delegates from the four provinces of Poland and the provinces of Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Northern Belgium, France and Southern Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, Slovakia, Ukraine and Hungary.

The delegates were welcomed by Fr Pejo Orkić, Provincial of Croatia, and Fr Josip Bunić, Director of the pastoral centre in Plitvice. The overall aim of the meeting was to explore the theme "cooperation in the field of initial formation (novitiate – post-novitiate – theology studies)".

Work began with a presentation by Fr Vitalis Gabor onLaudato Si’ by Pope Francis. Then Fr Saldanha spoke about ongoing formation, the formation of Rectors and the pre-novitiate. He proposed a Regional Commission for Formation for the next six years, based on the indications of the 27th General Chapter, and the participants made several suggestions.

The Councillor General then spoke about personal and community prayer and about qualifications for Salesians, while Fr Klawikowski focused on the specific formation of Salesian Brothers and collaboration in the field of initial training.

Each talk was followed by group work during which the delegates shared views and exchanged experiences. A visit to Plitvice Lakes and the "good night" talk both served to promote the community atmosphere and the spirit of fraternity.

The meeting ended with thanks from Fr Coelho. He also said that for the next meeting in either France or Slovenia, they are weighing up the possibility that the Delegates of the Mediterranean region may also take part.  

Published 13/11/2015

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