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3/11/2015 - Argentina - Missionary experience in Patagonia

(ANS – Trelew) – “It’s already 10 years since I left Timor for Patagonia, Argentina as a young brother – the first missionary from East Asia –Oceania  to the land of Cagliero and the missions dreamt of by our Father Don Bosco”. These are the words of Fr Brigildo de Deus, an East Timorese Salesian.

Fr. de Deus goes on: “At the moment I’m helping to develop a pastoral work in our Salesian community of Trelew, province of Chubut, Patagonia – 1455 kilometers from Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. My mission is comprised of: pastoral attention in two Salesian Secondary schools with 800 students each, one in Trelew and another in Rawson, a distance of 25 kilometres away. Our Salesian community is located in another very poor district of Trelew with a Parish and Oratory with many young people in need. We reach them through many different youth groups: Exploradores Don Bosco (a kind of Salesian Boys Scout movement, founded in Argentina, 1915), Holy Childhood, Catechesis, a Vocational Training Centre, SYM groups and the many chapels of our large parish, and a  parish radio station. From our base camp in Trelew two confreres of our community look after missions in a strict sense.

Previously Fr de Deus served in the community of Bahia Blanca – La Piedad (3 months) and Zapala–Neuquén. In those missionary places of Cagliero he learnt Spanish, the culture of Argentina-Patagonia and had his first experience with the youth in indigenous rural communities (Mapuche). Then followed four years of theology in Buenos Aires, with a lot of enrichment in theology and inculturation in many aspects; finally he was in Sagrado Corazón de Jesús in La Plata-Buenos Aires, involved with the youth groups and school pastoral work.

“There are many youth under the Salesian pastoral care. The contribution of many committed lay mission partners in the Salesian Charism is very important.  We are very well received by the youth, in the society and in the Church, but there is not so enthusiastic a response to the life of active faith in the Church or in a specific religious vocation. There are many young people exposed to narcotics and violence. There is a lack of good education and human, religious values. Those are the main challenges we face daily in our pastoral work as Church and Salesians” says Fr de Deus.

“Personally I feel very satisfied in my pastoral and missionary work. I’m very welcome and well accepted among the youth and the people, as well in the communities” he affirms, concluding: “I would like to invite my Salesian confreres, who are reading this short sharing and who cherish missionary dreams – don’t hesitate to apply for the missions!”

Published 03/11/2015

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