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27/10/2015 - Colombia - Nineteen Perpetual Professions during the Rector Major’s visit
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(ANS - Bogotá)- The visit of Fr Ángel Fernández Artime to Colombia is continuing.  Yesterday, Monday 26 October he participated in several events: among them, a visit to the "Leon XIII" Institute where nineteen Salesians made their perpetual profession; a meeting with the Salesian Family and a visit to the Salesian University Foundation Project - Unisal.

On Monday morning, Fr Á.F. Artime joined in Morning Prayer with all the members of the educative and pastoral community of the Provincial House. In his "good morning" talk he thanked one and all for their work that "makes the fulfilment of our mission possible."

During the morning the Rector Major was welcomed by the "Leon XIII" educative-pastoral Institute, where the children presented various activities, such as dances, a performance by the symphonic band, a revue and theatre and magic shows.

Then, in the afternoon, the Rector Major visited the Salesian University Foundation Project - Unisal, directed by Fr Leonardo Gómez, who explained the ongoing process for the creation of the Salesian University in Colombia.

Subsequently, the Rector Major met the Salesian Family, and talking to them with open heart as Father and Teacher, encouraged them to "remain in communion, growth, commitment and hope". He reiterated the importance of working together as a family, while respecting the autonomy of each group.

Finally, the Rector Major presided at the Mass with the Salesian Family, during which nineteen Salesians - belonging to different Provinces of the Inter-American Region - made their perpetual profession. They are:

For the Province of Our Lady of Copacabana, Bolivia (BOL): Anatoli Almanza, Sonny Cabrera Vildoso, Vladimir Estrada Villarroel, Yrineo Machaca Mamani, Oswaldo J. León Herrera.

For the Province of the Sacred Heart, Ecuador (ECU): Marcos Martín Martínez P.

For the Province of Santa Rosa, Peru (PER): Nguyen Huu Tien, Tran Bao Jhang.

For the Province of St. Louis Bertrand, Colombia-Medellin (COM): Elís Jesús Angulo, Johny Alexander Arias C., Jesús D. Bolaño Avendaño, Jhonny Manrique Bautista, Leonardo Marulanda Tobón, Fredy Fernando Muñoz B., Andrés B. Pernett Beltrán.

For the Province of Saint Peter Claver, Colombia-Bogotá (COB): Fabián Becerra Álvarez, José E. Fernández Valle, Sergio A. Peña Cano, Wilfredo Higuera Rey.

Published 27/10/2015


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