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26/10/2015 - Indonesia - Salesian story does continue in Blitar

(ANS – Blitar) – Six years after accepting the invitation of Surabaya Bishop, Vincensius Sutikno Wicakson, to accept the care about “Secondary Technical Catholic School of St. Joseph” the Salesian presence in this Eastern Java city of Blitar is transforming the school community. According the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Surabaya diocese and SDB province ITM, the Salesians in this 170.000 province city are fully responsible for the educative and pastoral care of the school that is part of the Surabaya diocesan foundation.

Among the 832 students of the 3 years course are 20% Catholics, among the 54 teachers, instructors and staff are Catholic, Protestants, Hindus and Muslims. Six years after taking slowly over the school the whole educative – pastoral community is getting slowly familiar to Don Bosco’s Way of education. The ISO 9002 certification was recently extended for another 3 years. Six departments of electricity, mechanics, automotive, information technology, motorcycle and constructions are open every year. (Website:

How did happen the transformation of this diocesan school? Good morning talks are shared also by our teachers and students participate in the Indonesia Salesian Youth Day. But what makes the visible difference is the improvement of old school facilities. Soon will be inaugurated a new school three story building. Also many of the technical workshops equipment and classrooms on both campuses of the school (1 km distance) are being uplifted. But most of the Salesian energies were invested into formation of the teachers – started regular formation session, common planning and evaluation of school activities, recollections and outings never known among of the teachers before.

Especially dedicated and vibrant presence of Fr. Lino (first SDB headmaster and rector) and Fr. Djoko (new rector and catechist and counsellor in the school) make the Charism of Don Bosco visible. With the appointment of Fr. Lino as the third Delegate of Indonesia a new principal Fr. Vincentius Prastowo will arrive to take his place within next few months.

Good relationship to the local Catholic community (two parishes of Blitar) is visible through a growing group of 30+ Don Bosco Friends, who help our small SDB community in many aspects (from daily cooking for the SDB up to the Salesian Youth Ministry).

The young Delegation of Indonesia with just 70 confreres aims to develop more educational presences in order to make root the charism of Don Bosco in this country.

Published 26/10/2015

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