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9/10/2015 - Indonesia - Salesians in Purwodadi

(ANS – Purwodadi) – Ten years after the initial invitation of Bishop Julianus Kemo Sunarko, SJ, of the diocese of Purwekorto, the Salesian Indonesia Delegation finally arrived in July 2014 to take over a Catholic junior high school in the town of Purwodadi-Purworejo, (diocese of Purwokerto, Central Java) one hour’s drive from Yogjakarta. On 7 October, this new community received its first visit from Fr. Václav Klement, Councillor for the East Asia-Oceania Region. It was his birthday.

Purwokerto is a typical Javanese diocese of 18 million people of whom 75.000 are Catholic (0.4% of the total population). They speak Bahasa Indonesia and Javanese. There are 78 priests, 35 diocesan and 43 religious. The Bishop wanted the Salesians because of their educative charism and in the exploratory trip in 2014 we chose this secondary school from among four possible locations.

After 15 months of Salesian presence we are happy to report that the sixty year-old school facilities have been gradually renovated and the educative-pastoral environment has been slowly and effectively transformed by Salesian formation. At the moment most of the dilapidated facilities of the school have been renovated with the help of many benefactors. A hostel for boarders was also opened, although at the moment there are only two boys living there permanently.

There are three Salesian priests (Fr Trianto, Fr Catur and Fr Matius) together with one practical trainee in his second year. Although today the school has only 60+ students, the Salesians are doing everything possible to make Don Bosco known in the local parish with seven mission stations, and they reach out to the families of the students.

Most of the students are from very poor backgrounds (no electricity in many homes, dysfunctional families due to emigration in search of work and few educational opportunities). The Salesians try to make friends in the Catholic community as well in the local society and among our Muslim brothers and sisters. There is also an Imam, a Past Pupil of our school, who is involved in teaching and one religious sister, Brigide (PMY Congregation) working with the SDBs in the school.

Good Morning Talks are given daily in the school and the Salesians are patiently and joyfully transforming this diocesan school into a Salesian school. Don Bosco and his Salesians were welcomed to Purwokerto and they are slowly becoming part of the local society and Catholic community.

Published 9/10/2015

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