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8/10/2015 - Italy - CIOFS-FP and more in CASA DON BOSCO at EXPO2015

(ANS - Milan) – The presentations of CIOFS-FP, (Italian Centre for Salesian Feminine Works for Professional Education) at CASA DON BOSCO finish this week but there will be many other events focused on entertainment, on reflection and on the dissemination of Salesian principles.

Today, Thursday 8 October, students from several CIOFS-FP centres in Piedmont show visitors the skills acquired during their training. The focus will again be on local products.

Tomorrow, Friday 9 October, some centres in Lombardy have the task of animating the Salesian pavilion, giving demonstrations of bakery and packaging. The journalist and writer Nicholas D'Amico will also be present to introduce his book "The history of vocational training in Italy."

Saturday will be a busy day – the final day of CIOFS-FP at Expo 2015 – presented once again by various centres from Lombardy.  In the evening a Gospel Choir will present "Sing a Song. Sing a song from the heart. The magic of the magician. "

On Sunday, the Salesian Sisters from Lombardy welcome all who wish to learn more about them and especially their commitment with and for young people in an event called "Bread and Heaven in CASA DON BOSCO”. On the same day the two-year third level course in Higher Technical Education in the field of "Mechatronics" at the Salesian work of Sesto San Giovanni will be presented.

On Tuesday 13 October there will be yet more publicity for Schneider Electric who will stage a conference on the theme of food waste and will host a panel discussion on the topic "Creation in crisis: save our Common Home with the Ten Commandments from the Encyclical Laudato Si'".

There will also be a seminar organized by the Salesian Pontifical University entitled“Laudato si’: the encyclical of Pope Francis on the care of our common home seen from a Salesian and youth perspective." The Dean, staff and students of the Faculty of Philosophy of the UPS will participate.

On the Wednesday there will be a small art history lesson titled "Led by a dream. Iconography of Saints who were Founders of Religious Orders". It will give ample space to Don Bosco. After the lesson, there will an opportunity to sample some products from the cookbook of Mamma Margaret.

In the evening there will be a further meeting of "Volunteers @ Expo: same place, many stories."

Published 8/10/2015

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