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29/9/2015 - United States - Encouragement of Pope Francis

(ANS – San Francisco) – "There is great enthusiasm in our country as we follow Pope Francis on his visit these days to the United States," wrote Fr Ted Montemayor, Provincial of the Western Province of the USA. He was commenting on "InTouch" - the weekly provincial newsletter – on the recent apostolic visit of the Pope. His reflection is reported below:

This morning I watched part of his epic address to the joint meeting of Congress. You could see so many politicians who sometimes seem so determined on creating division, sides, walls and camps with winners and losers, galvanized by Francis’ words and message of dialogue, unity and mercy.

There is much to reflect on in the words and gestures of our Pope. One of the messages that has come across loud and clear is that of dialogue. The Holy Father expressed his appreciation of our rich and beautiful tradition as Americans.

He mentioned how our country had a foundational history of being open to other cultures and immigrants. Pope Francis encouraged the American Bishops to promote a culture of encounter, avoiding “harsh and divisive language” but rather encouraging authentic dialogue as we confront the “challenging issues of our time.”

I encourage each one of us to promote this culture of encounter. We live in a world that sees black and white, right and wrong, those on the inside and those on the outside. As Salesians we are challenged to create communities of dialogue. We must avoid language that divides, tears down and wounds others.

Too often we have seen this even in our Religious Communities. We follow the Shepherd of mercy, the God of love and the One who has personified the forgiveness and healing of the Compassionate Father. It is not always easy and life can get messy, but it is not about certitude and being right. It is not about having all the answers leaving little or no room for discussion and dialogue.

Our Spirituality is one that creates family, creating a home where all feel welcomed and loved; where all belong and enrich the world with the gifts God has given them. This is quite a challenge, but we must never tire of promoting this spirit. I am especially grateful to Pope Francis for leading the way in this area and constantly encouraging us to be better… to be our best!

Published 29/09/2015

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