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24/9/2015 - Italy - Education, Tourism and Culture in Casa Don Bosco at EXPO

(ANS - Milan) - At Expo Milano 2015, Casa Don Bosco continues to focus on training with a careful eye on sustainability, tourism, education, training for young people  and volunteering.

This morning, 24 September, there will be three workshops: "To educate is to nourish life", "When the mind embraces the heart ... educate for emotions with emotions" and "The community that nurtures, is the community that educates." Thirty university students report and comment on the results of a survey conducted among visitors to the Expo, asking them about the educational values they had noticed there.

On Friday 25 and Saturday 26 September, the Salesian Pavilion will host the National Headquarters and Regional Offices of CIOFS-FP (the Italian Centre for Salesian Works for Female Vocational Training).  With a programme entitled "Young Energy, Bread for the future of the Planet" it will show visitors the training activities planned in the various regions, in the various professional areas and in conjunction with the employment services and local businesses.

On Sunday, September 27, there will be a panel discussion on "Sustainable Tourism: Let us learn with young people about the preservation of Creation." There will also be a programme called "With our eyes: Sicily land of light and mourning." In the evening, there will be time for a production of Sophocles' Antigone in one of the art forms typical of the cultural heritage of Sicily.

On Monday 28 there will be another episode in the series "Volunteers @ Expo: Same Place, Many Stories". It will include Expo Volunteers, Volunteers from the European Union Pavilion and, in rotation, a group of volunteers from other pavilions or organizations present at Expo Milano 2015.

Also, until October 10 at Casa Don Bosco, the CIOFS-FP Association and the Centre for Skills Assessment and Career Guidance from the G. Morello institute in Piedmont will offer young people a chance to compose a CV or portfolio of skills.

Published 24/09/2015

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