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23/9/2015 - Ethiopia - Africa-Madagascar Region: Youth Ministry and Missionary Animation in harmony with Family Ministry and volunteering

(ANS - Addis Ababa) - As is now traditional, the Delegates for Youth Ministry of the Provinces and Vice-Provinces of the Africa-Madagascar Region met in Addis Ababa from 16 to 19 September.  One of the objectives was to share how the new Framework for Youth Ministry is being presented and implemented by the confreres in the provinces of the region.

by Francisco Pescador Hervás, SDB - MOZ

The meeting began on the morning of the 16th. It was devoted entirely to listening, sharing and celebration of the word. This culminated in the Eucharist at which the Councillor for Youth Ministry, Fr Fabio Attard, presided. The two afternoon sections were spent in sharing and evaluating how the new Framework for Youth Ministry is being presented and implemented by the confreres in the provinces of the region.  There was a great convergence of initiatives among the participants and a general satisfaction with the process, indicating that the goal agreed at its meeting in September 2014 had been achieved.

The meeting on the 17th was joined by the Mission delegates of the Region who were meeting with the General Councillor for the Missions, Fr Guillermo Basañes. The theme proposed for joint reflection was Volunteering. The experiences of the different provinces were shared and common problems identified. Some guidelines were suggested for the work of Volunteers. Two unequivocal conclusions emerged: (1) Even though some difficulties may arise, the volunteers have been and continue to be a treasure for the mission. (2) The quality and the preparation and accompaniment that are offered depends on the quality of their personal experience and their contribution to the mission of education and evangelization.

In the afternoon three young people shared their motivations and experiences as volunteers in the "Makaniza" and "Bosco Children" projects in the Ethiopian capital. Some young people show surprising generosity and radicalism in the way they live their Christian vocation and the extent to which they have matured in the shadow of Don Bosco.

Reflection on the Framework of Reference continued on the third day of the meeting.  After group work and discussion, each Delegate identified what might be the most suitable steps for each Province. The afternoon was spent getting to know the Salesian works in Addis Ababa, and a bit of the city and the rich culture of Ethiopia.

The first three sessions on Saturday were devoted entirely to the study of the family. In harmony with the Church and following a concern that has been expressed in the past, the Salesian Congregation wants to give more attention to family ministry. To pursue this issue Fr Hubert Pinto, SDB, from the East African Province helped the participants to understand better the challenges facing families today. He articulated in masterly fashion the relationship between personal identity, the identity of the couple and family identity.

Published 23/09/2015

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