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22/9/2015 - RMG - The Don Bosco Past Pupils prepare for their World Assembly and the pilgrimage to Turin

(ANS - Rome)- To commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco, the World Confederation of Past Pupils is preparing for the Fifth World Elective Assembly to be held 3 – 6 October, followed by a pilgrimage to Turin, 6 – 9 October.

Past Pupils from all over the world are studying the Statute of the World Confederation, to make the necessary adjustments and approve it definitively. According to the Regulations: "The World Assembly is the main sign of unity in diversity of the Association of Don Bosco Past Pupils. It is the fraternal gathering in which the Past Pupils Association reflect on how to stay true to their own culture, to the Gospel, the Church, society and Don Bosco as animator, guide, and  beacon of the Salesian Family, and sensitive to the needs of time and place. "

The Assembly will be coordinated by Mr. Jesús Garcia from Spain, who among other tasks has the responsibility: "to take over, in agreement with the President, the overall coordination of the work of the Confederation and the overall responsibility for the operation of technical services; to inform the Assembly of the Confederation of the agenda, the communications of the President and other possible information; to convoke all members of the Assembly who have the right to vote." (Regulations pf the Assembly 12).

In the World Assembly the Electoral Commission "is the body that has the task of preparing for the elections that take place in the Assembly and the World Confederation and the smooth running of the election process, respecting and applying the same rules, approved by the World Assembly Confederation" (Regulation Assembly 12). The president of the Electoral Commission is also Spanish, Mr. Sergio Rodríguez, who holds the post of Secretary of the World Confederation.

On the morning of 5 October, the memorial of Blessed Alberto Marvelli, Bishop Enrico dal Covolo will preside at a solemn Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

To view and download documents related to the Assembly and the pilgrimage, go to  the link:

Among the documents available are the registration form, programme and cost per person of the Assembly and of the pilgrimage; Regulation of the Assembly, module for the submission of applications; form to propose amendments to the Articles of Association and outline for written reports of the Federation or Confederation.

Published 22/09/2015

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