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16/9/2015 - Ethiopia - First Congress of Salesian Cooperators in Africa
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(ANS - Addis Ababa)- The First Congress of the Association of Salesian Cooperators (ASC) in Africa was held from 9 to 13 September in Addis Ababa, the headquarters of the Vice-Province of Ethiopia. This was a significant moment for the future of the Association in the region of Africa-Madagascar.

The meeting was attended by thirty-three representatives from twelve provinces or vice-provinces, as well as the two World Delegates of ASC, the ASC World Coordinator, and the Salesian Councillor for Africa and Madagascar, Fr Américo Chaquisse. All the participants were aware of the importance of the meeting, and they worked hard in an atmosphere of fraternity and joy to achieve the goals envisaged. After the initial greetings, the two delegates presented the new Project of Apostolic Life. It is essential that it be studied and analysed if the Cooperators are to live their vocation today and fulfil the mission of the Salesian Cooperator.

The second goal was to get to know the situation of the ASC in the African continent. The Coordinators presented the situation in their province, each in turn. The reality is really rich and promising and deserves to be better coordinated, accompanied and animated. Among the strengths are the love for Don Bosco and the Salesian charism, their eagerness to work for the education of poor youth, and the joy of belonging to the great Salesian Family. There is no shortage of challenges. These include communication and circulation of information, autonomy to be lived with responsibility, and greater ecclesial, social and political visibility.

The third objective focused on a new organization of the presence of the Salesian Cooperators in Africa. At the end of a debate during which four possibilities were examined it was decided that, taking into account the strengths and current challenges and in order to facilitate communication, the Africa-Madagascar Region will be divided into two zones or sub-regions, French-speaking and English-speaking. The two Portuguese-speaking countries, Angola and Mozambique, will be part of the French-speaking zone. Over a period of three years, until the next Congress, the validity of this choice will be evaluated.

Each sub-region will animated by a coordinator and Council. Mrs. Rosanna Kathangu, Coordinator of Nairobi, Kenya, was chosen as the English-speaking Coordinator, and Mr. Patrick Himvi, Salesian Cooperator from Cotonou, Benin, for the French-speaking zone. The two coordinators and their Councils are already working hard to programme objectives and strategies for the next three years.

For the Salesian Cooperators, this Congress in Africa is the most beautiful fruit of the bicentenary of the birth of Don Bosco. Africa is the continent of the future, multitudes of young people are waiting. As at the beginning of the Salesian work, lay people of Africa with a clear identity of true Salesians want to be with Don Bosco and with other groups in the great Salesian Family, animated by the same charism to build, together, a single mission - the education and salvation of the young.

Published 16/09/2015

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