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14/9/2015 - Argentina - “Don Bosco in these days helped us to put Jesus at the core of the feast for his birthday”

(ANS – Cordoba) – Through a letter published on the web site of the Salesians of North Argentina, the Salesian Provincial, Fr. Manuel Cayo, shared the significance of the visit to the country of the Tenth Successor of Don Bosco, Fr. Angel Fernandez Artime. Thus writes the Provincial: “Don Bosco in these days helped us to put at the core of the feast for his birthday Jesus, the compassionate God who comes to us and who sustains us”. Here below, some passages of the letter.

I am writing to you from Pilar, where we are having our Spiritual Retreat animated by Fr. Ángel, with 60 Salesian Rectors coming from all over Argentina.

These days, in which we are enjoying the presence of the Tenth Successor of Don Bosco among us, are intense and unforgettable. You could certainly perceive that the Meeting of the Youth for the Bicentenary has been a fundamental experience, which will mark a ‘before’ and an ‘after’ for our Salesian presence in Argentina. Because this is the result of an intense journey, a moment in which to gather all we have accompanied.

Fr. Manuel continues asserting that in the Eucharistic celebration was shown the presence of Dominic (Savio), Michele (Magone), Zeffirino (Namuncurà) and Laura (Vicuña), who guided the most important moments:

Dominic reminded us of the beginnings: ‘Don Bosco says that joy is not a passing explosion: it is a gift in a box which opens only when one acknowledges the beauty of the life God gives us, and which puts us in contact with what we really are (…).

Laura, during the offertory, appeared between two young men who went up and down cloths hanging from the ceiling to the floor… and she told us: ‘Our life is closely linked to what we see. We are called to trust and to cling strongly to the cloths of life in God, and hence to move, as if in a dance, and to live (…).

As you see, Don Bosco in these days helped us to put at the core of the feast for his birthday Jesus, the compassionate God who comes to us and sustains us. We wanted to give him all our love and commitment, and he ended up by giving us an even greater gift: the one of helping us recognize ourselves in his dream, to discover that the most important thing is the hidden treasure, the buried pearl… Therefore, these days have certainly been fundamental and will bear new fruits. For this reason I invite you to bring and accompany to each house what is being born in these days”.

The full text of the letter is available on the site of the Salesians of Northern Argentina.

Published 14/09/2015

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