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14/9/2015 - Italy - From Italy to Spain on the Paths of Solidarity

(ANS – Rome) – 28 is the number of fit, selected and now formed youth who last Friday, September 11th, left for their respective destinations where they will spend the year of Civil Service “with the Salesians” in Spain. They will be involved in support of educative activities and human promotion that are being implemented in the Salesian houses in Spain, in 12 different places and in the context of 4 projects of Civil Service Abroad.

From September 7th to 10th, in the national see of Salesians for Social Service (SCS/CNOS Federation) in Rome, an intensive formative activity was held, with the coordination of Stefano Angeloni, responsible of the Federation for Civil Service Abroad. Among the formative activities, there were a meeting in one of the Sees of Civil Protection and a visit to “Borgo Ragazzi Don Bosco”, a Salesian house with manifold activities similar to the ones the volunteers will find in Spain.

A contribution to formation was also provided by the meeting with some young people who in previous years did their Civil Service Abroad. Very interesting was also the meeting with national representatives of Civil Service. From Spain also came Fr. Santiago Dominguez, the Coordinator of Youth Centres, who in half a day managed to deepen and outline the service the youth will render, giving them useful suggestions for a better integration in the local educative team.

The days of formation were characterized by a family atmosphere: particularly appreciated by the young were the evenings they spent in the playground of the “Sacro Cuore” House in Rome and the night walk to Rione Monti before the departure, with the presence of the National Responsible for Civil Service with Salesians, Fr. Giovanni D’Andrea.

“These youth are leaving to donate a year of their life to other youths; the wish is that, on their return, they may be ever more ‘active citizens’ and thus incarnate Don Bosco’s dream to form ‘honest citizens and good Christians’”, assert the persons in charge of the Salesian’s Civil Service.

Published 14/09/2015

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