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27/8/2015 - Italy - Life in “Casa Don Bosco (Don Bosco House)
Photo for the article -ITALY – LIFE IN “CASA DON BOSCO (DON BOSCO HOUSE) – EXPO 2015

(ANS – Milan) –These are the last days in which to visit the exhibition “Migrants, Food, Identity” prepared by the Don Bosco 2000 Association at the “CASA DON BOSCO” pavilion in Expo and composed of 30 shots taken by artist Mario Noto. On Sunday, August 30th, there will be a new appointment with PGS (the Salesian Youth Sports Association) with the event “We cherish Sport!”; on August 31st the event, “The Opposite Wave – Here we deal with human beings”.

The exhibition was inaugurated last Wednesday on the occasion of the celebration of the eighth edition of World Humanitarian Day. CASA DON BOSCO actively participated in this event, welcoming in its pavilion the UN official delegation, represented by Countries and organizations of the civil society, among which VIS (International Volunteer Service for Development). Along the “Decuman” road, there was a parade, walking in tune with the key words that beat the rhythm of the High-level panel that was presented in front of the Swiss pavilion. Barbara Tenzi (VIS), who is in charge of events in Expo for CASA DON BOSCO, in line with the “Solidarity” theme, presented to the audience the Salesian Family and its mission.

On Sunday, August 30th, in CASA DON BOSCO there will be a new appointment with PGS (the Salesian Youth Sports Association), thanks to the event “We cherish Sport! Let us do team play for a better future”. In this meeting themes such as doping and drugs will be dealt with, and a book on “ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), the Dark Disease of Football” will be presented in the presence of its author Massimiliano Castellani and the sports journalist Roberto Beccantini. At 15.30 hours PGS International will launch the International Games of Salesian Youth – edition 2016 Bratislava/Vienna – in the presence of Georg Leibold, European President and of Fr. Tibor Reimer, SDB Sports Responsible for Slovakia.

On Monday, 31st August, from 17.00 to 19.30 hours, there will be the event “The Opposite Wave – Here we deal with human beings”, during which the book “The Opposite Wave” will be presented, a novel co-authored by journalist and writer Patrizia Caiffa and by Paolo Beccegato, Deputy Director of Caritas Italy, a fresh work which inspires reflection on themes of topical interest: the economic crisis and the outflow of Italians abroad, migrations.

In the course of the meeting, VIS and Missioni Don Bosco will present the campaign #StopTratta (StopTrafficking) – Here we deal with human beings, launched on the occasion of the International Day of Refugees to promote activities of sensitization and the development projects that are being implemented by the Salesians of Don Bosco in Sub-Saharan African Countries. During the meeting, besides the authors of the book, other people will also be present: Gianni Vaggi, Professor of International Economy at the University of Pavia; Giampietro Pettenon, Director of Missioni Don Bosco; Nico Lotta, President of VIS, Agostino Sella, Don Bosco 2000 Association and Fr. Soddu, SDB.

Published 27/08/2015

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