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14/8/2015 - Slovakia - A Postage Stamp and a New Church Dedicated to Don Bosco on His Bicentenary
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(ANS) –Two very special moments for the Salesian Family and the Church in Slovakia on Don Bosco’s Bicentenary – a postage stamp and a new church dedicated to Don Bosco, precisely on the concluding days of his Bicentenary. 

by Rastislav Hamrcek, Delegate od CS, SLK

Slovak Post dedicated to the Saint of the young a special edition of a postage stamp representing an image of Don Bosco and a cross. Today, August 14th, day of issue of the stamp, first day covers are available with a Marian image – a graphic representation of the “M” of the circular stained-glass window of the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Turin. Slovak Post wants to “pay homage not only to Don Bosco on his jubilee and to his work for the young, but also to the Salesians, as continuators of his work”, said Mr. Martin Vanco, director of the postage stamps office of Slovak Post.         

On the same day of the Bicentenary, Sunday August 16th 2015, in the city of Dubnica nad Váhom, a new church dedicated to Don Bosco will be consecrated. The Salesian presence in this city dates back to the times of communism, in 1969. In that city there was only one parish with one church. In the nineties, the faithful, guided by the Salesians, decided to build a new church and to dedicate it to the Saint of the Young, who is greatly esteemed by people of the city.

After three years of work, “in the spring of this year we summoned up our courage, completed the work and prepared the consecration of the Church for the date of the Bicentenary”, said Fr. Marian Bielik, the Salesian parish priest.

In the altar will be placed the Relic of Don Bosco that a Salesian saved in 1950, when the communist regime forcedly closed all religious houses in the country. The architecture of the church is central, in front of the entrance there is a small square with a colonnade which gives the impression of a small St. Peter’s Square, an element that constitutes a clear symbol of the link of the local Church with the universal church.

The consecration Mass will be broadcast live from Slovak Catholic TV Lux, and also on streaming on the TV web page ( With this church, Slovakia donates to Don Bosco, on his Bicentenary, a new place where the faithful and especially young families and the youth of the city of Dubnica nad Váhom will grow in faith and in the love of the Lord.

Salesians are present in Slovakia since 1924. At the moment they are in 18 cities of the country and with two missions in Russia and one in Azerbaijan.     

Published 14/08/2015

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