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7/8/2015 - Peru - “The day and hour approach to walk as a family at Don Bosco’s side”

(ANS – Lima) – Next Sunday, August 9th, in the capital of Peru, Lima, a great meeting of the members of the Salesian Family has been planned, with the aim of celebrating the saint of the youth on the occasion of the Bicentenary of his birth and also of demonstrating in defence of the family.

This initiative has been widely covered by the media in Peru, because of the present debate on the rights of the family. The Provincial Delegate for the Salesian Family, Fr. Raul Acuña, with regards to the motivations of this event, said, “We all witness how precarious is in contemporary society the bond of marriage, a precariousness that is present at all levels, while competent institutions are incapable of doing anything to stop this chasm.”

The celebration of the Bicentenary thus acquires in Peru a deeper sense of social commitment to defend the rights of the children and of the youth to have and live in a family. The appeal launched by the Salesians and the Salesian Family to participate in this event has been welcomed by many other institutes, such as schools, working groups in defence of the family, the Police and various NGOs.

“The day and the hour approach to walk as a family at Don Bosco’s side, the occasion to give a concrete witness in defence of family values and of its fundamental role in building up society”, say the organizers.

The attention of the Salesian Family to the theme of the Family is not a new element, but is acquiring more and more visibility and centrality in response to present challenges and to the guidelines of Pope Francis himself, who decided to dedicate two Synods of Bishops to the theme of the Family. As a confirmation of this particular attention, precisely in these days is being celebrated in Turin and in Colle Don Bosco the Seventh International Congress of Mary Help of Christians, promoted by ADMA. Taking example and inspiration for Mary, this Congress aims at a new discovery of the beauty of the family.

Published 07/08/2015


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