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31/7/2015 - Italy - Summer 2015 at Borgo Don Bosco
Photo for the article -ITALY – SUMMER 2015 AT BORGO DON BOSCO

(ANS – Rome) – "This evening brought to an end a month that has seen many people engaged in Borgo Summer Camp, an initiative of Borgo Don Bosco open to the neighbourhood, and completely dependent on voluntary activity." This is what the Rector Fr Stefano Aspettati had to say to the crowds that gathered to hear the concert by the Naima Choir on the last evening of the Summer Camp.

Borgo Summer Camp was founded about thirty years ago and has become a regular feature for those who remain in the capital in July. To date, it is one of the leading summer evening events in Rome as far as the number of participants goes. In fact, on average, between 200 and 300 people take part every evening.

Borgo Summer Camp offers to all who want it, a meeting place and a family that is open to the locality and accessible to all, "In recent years we have noticed an increase in the number of young people - children, teenagers, and older youth - who see in Borgo Summer Camp a kind of evening oratory, a safe place and an alternative to the streets," said Fr Stefano. It is also a meeting place for families.

Among the events that attracted the largest number of young people were dancing and sports tournaments, and the concert given by the bands from Borgo Don Bosco. About 500 were present at the event with the journalist Federico Buffa, and also for the Restore their wings evenings with performances by young people from the Centre for Minors and the Family Home, and again at the final celebration of the Summer Camp when the young people showed their parents what they had done during the summer workshops.

Other events typical of the evenings at Borgo Don Bosco included the traditional Corrida with amateur actors, B-Factor, a talent contest for young people and two great culinary events.

Fr Aspettati concluded by thanking all those who made the initiative possible again this year - co-workers, technicians, kitchen workers and sponsors. He mentioned in particular the totally free contribution of about fifty volunteers who made people welcome every night in every corner of the Borgo Summer Camp.

Published 31/07/2015

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