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29/7/2015 - Chile - "The heart of the young is always great," Don Á.F. Artime

(ANS - Santiago)– On the second day of the visit of the Rector Major to Chile, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime and Fr Natale Vitali, Regional Councillor for the American Southern Cone, met with the educational communities of two Salesian houses in the capital and with the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. Part of the work of 28 July was to discern how best to continue to respond to the needs of young people today, and to meet the challenge dreamed of by Don Bosco.

Fr Ángel Fernández Artime blessed and inaugurated the new building of the Saint Dominic Savio School in San Ramón. It will allow children and young people to attend scientific-humanistic courses and technical-professional courses at middle–school level.

In his message, the Rector Major expressed his happiness at this step which the Salesian Congregation is taking in the country to help the most vulnerable and to make them feel part of the community. He also told parents and guardians that they should know that the Salesians will always be there with them when it comes to safeguarding their children’s fundamental right to education.

Fr Á.F. Artime added: "They are the reason for what we do. I feel very emotional here in a sincere, humble, hardworking neighbourhood. My Salesian heart feels at ease. Opening a school is not the same thing as unveiling a statue."

In Macul the Salesians run a high school with 1,500 students, and two parishes "Sagrada Familia" and "Jesús el Señor". The Rector Major greeted the authorities and the religious community.

Fr Ángel Fernández Artime said: "Young people may dress differently but their heart is always the same; the hearts of young people are always great." To the teachers he said, "You know well that you are much more than workers. This house would not be the same without you. "

He then asked the young people if they were well and if they felt loved, and he said, "If young people go away from here feeling that they were not loved, then we have failed."

At the end of the day in the provincial house of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians the Rector Major was received be the Provincial Sister Aurelia Rossi and her Council. The meeting began with the celebration of the Eucharist with the participation of the FMA communities of Santiago and surrounding areas.

A video of the day is available on Salesianos Chile.

Published 29/07/2015

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