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28/7/2015 - Chile - Visit of the Rector Major to the Salesians in Chile
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(ANS - Santiago)- The first visit to Chile of Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, tenth Successor of Don Bosco, began on 27 July and will end on Friday 31 July. He will have a full programme of activities.

This visit takes on special significance as it is taking place less than a month from 16 August, the day of the 200th birthday of Don Bosco, and the culmination of the Celebration of the Bicentenary that inspires the life of the Salesian Congregation worldwide.

The Rector Major arrived on Monday 27 July. He was welcomed at the airport in Santiago by Fr Alberto Lorenzelli, Provincial of Chile, with confreres and members of the Salesian Family. Fr Á.F. Artime availed of the opportunity to give his first greeting to the Province. Subsequently, he had a meeting with the Provincial Council.

Various meetings are scheduled for today, 28 July, starting with a meeting with the Salesians in formation in the Salesian House of Macul. He will visit the Salesians at the nursing home and will celebrate the Eucharist in the provincial house of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

The most important meetings will take place on the final two days of the visit.  On Thursday, Fr Angel will meet the Rectors of all the communities in the morning and in the afternoon he will meet the confreres. In the evening he will participate in a cultural artistic homage to Don Bosco.

The details of the visit of the Rector Major to Chile are published on the website of the Province at Salesianos Chile.

Published 28/07/2015

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