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22/7/2015 - Papua New Guinea - Thinking Together for Future Directions
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(ANS – Port Moresby) – The First Don Bosco Technological Institute Stakeholders’ Conference, on the theme “Thinking Together for Future Directions”, was held at the Emmaus Conference Centre from 9th to 11th of July, 2015. It focused on the Technical Education for the Young in Papua New Guinea and the future of the Institute.

By Arlene Abital

Over the past decade the Salesians of Don Bosco, from the Salesian Delegation of Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands, have been pondering over possibilities for the future of Don Bosco Technological Institute (DBTI). Possible options for DBTI are - a university, an institute of technology, a technical training college, a polytechnic school or a tertiary institute offering technical training courses for secondary teachers. There were also requests for DBTI to offer Engineering courses, religious education or even theology programs. The confreres of the Delegation are balancing factors of the fragile youth situation on one hand with its socio-political and economic situation on the other.  

Mindful of these foregoing considerations, the Council and the Governing Board of DBTI proposed a Meeting of Stakeholders, whose main goal was to provide DBTI with clear, relevant and accurate directions, enabling DBTI to formulate a clearer vision for the next 20 years and beyond.

Resource personnel representing the SDB PNG/SI Delegation, Catholic Church in PNG, government, private industry sectors, Alumni and selected members of DBTI staff were participants at the three-day conference. The entire spectrum of alternative papers addressed on the first day came from Bishop Franceso Panfilo SDB, DD, Catholic Bishops Conference of PNG/SI and Deputy Bishop for Education opened the sessions on the first day.

Fr. Peter Baquero, SDB, PNG/SI Delegate and DBTI President in his opening remarks outlined the fact that DBTI was the first tertiary institution in PNG offering a Bachelor in Education – Technical, and added: “The conference will allow the works of the Salesians of Don Bosco to be renewed and revitalized for better ministry of the young in PNG. This will be the gift of Don Bosco to PNG as we celebrate the Bicentenary year of his Birth”.

At the keynote address Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology Hon. Malakai Tabar applauded DBTI on the Stakeholders’ Conference initiative. “I urge all higher education institutions to organize similar initiatives.”

A voting on the following recommendations was held on the third day.   Stakeholders present voted on the following recommendations:

  1. Who will be DBTI’s preferred clientele?
  2. What kind of preferred graduates do we envision for DBTI?
  3. What type of higher education institute do we envision DBTI to be in 2050?
  4. What will be the scope of influence of DBTI in 2050?
  5. What will be the outstanding feature of DBTI in 2050?

The Results and Evaluation forms were tabulated and will be dispatched to the participants. DBTI looks forward to developing these to plan a vibrant future for the youth of Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands.

Published 22/07/2015

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