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18/6/2015 - RMG - Appointment of Superiors of Sri Lanka and Brazil-Recife

(ANS - Rome) - As part of the work of the summer plenary session, the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, having heard the opinion of his Council, has appointed Fr Joseph Almeida Superior of the Vice-Province of Sri Lanka and Fr Nivaldo Luiz Pessinatti  Provincial of Brazil-Recife.

Fr. Almeida was born in Mumbai on 7 March 1955 to Mr. Domingoes Almeida and Mrs. Consesao D’Costa. He is at present the Rector of the Salesian Missionary Aspirantate at Sirajuli in the Salesian Province of Guwahati in North East India. He graduated in Spiritual Theology and has a Master's degree in Missiology. He speaks four languages fluently - English, Italian, Hindi and German. Professed as a Salesian for thirty-nine years, Fr. Almeida has served in various capacities in the Province of Guwahati such as Province Secretary (three years), Provincial councillor (two years), Novice master (six years), Vice-Provincial (two years), Provincial of the Province of Guwahati (six years) besides a host of other responsibilities. He carries with him rich experience of having served as Rector in various important Salesian houses and will breathe his rich experience into the life and ministry in the Island Nation of Sri Lanka.

He begins his mandate on 5th August 2015, succeeding Fr. Nihal Liyanage SDB.

Fr Pessinatti was born on 16 February 1951 in Maribondo-Araras. He entered the novitiate at Pindamonhangaba in 1967, made his perpetual vows in 1975 in Sao Paulo and was ordained a priest in 1977 at Araras.

He was Rector of the Salesian Community of St. Joachim at Lorena and at Campos Elisios in Sao Paolo, and also Vice-Rector in Colegio Dom Bosco in Brasilia. From 2009 to 2013 he was in charge of the Executive Directorate of CISBRASIL, the Conference of Salesian Provinces of Brazil.

He was twice Provincial Councillor in the Province of Sao Paolo (for a total of 9 years), Vice-Provincial (1988-1994) and Provincial (1999-2005). He collaborated in setting up the Salesian Network for Social Action (RESAS) and the Salesian Network Brazil and currently holds the position of Executive Director of the Salesian Schools' Network (RSE).

Published 18/06/2015

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