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9/6/2015 - Kenya - The choice: A well planned adventure

(ANS – Karen) – “It is eight months since I came to Bosco Boys Nairobi, Kenya as a volunteer. From my teenage years I dreamt of going to Africa to spend part of my life among the needy children. I knew that I would not be able to do great things but I was sure that I could be part of this beautiful work for others and contribute my ‘widow’s mite’ towards the needy and touch at least someone’s life”.

By Zuzana Knazekova, volunteer

During the period of my voluntary formation, my mind was set on going to South Sudan. It was one of the options offered to the volunteers. Coming to Kenya was not in my mind at all. (…) But today, looking back at the time I spent here, I cannot imagine that I could be somewhere else. Bosco Boys is the perfect place for my voluntary year and I am grateful.

A few days after my arrival at the centre I realized that these kids have more to give me than I had for them. This experience was like going back to the “school of life” for me. Here I have learnt and deeply realized, that real life is something totally different from what I experienced in my country.

It is not about being busy with your work, making money or getting stressed over office matters. For sure this is also part of life, but real life is about little things which we find every day in the simple smiles, in the innocent eyes of children, in their friendship and more than that giving ourselves and receiving from others.

I have learnt how to love others equally without differences, even though they offend you sometimes. I have also learnt that life is also about forgiveness, even “seventy times seven” and I must admit that this part of life I am still learning. It is a beautiful exercise and through it all, I am learning how to keep my heart ´fresh´ and face the challenges of being truly human.

I want to get to know our boys more - their background, how they live, where they have grown up etc. but I have come to realize that it is difficult to talk about these things with them, maybe because they are not willing to do so yet. (…)

I feel the most important thing these boys need is attention, personal attention. They want to feel that they are loved, that someone is interested in them. Often what they need is someone to talk to, just for a few minutes, and this makes them truly happy. This craving for personal attention is not just in Kenya, it is all over the world, so it has given me a challenge when I am back home in my country to offer more of my time for others. This can be a call for all of us, not to be scared of loving others who lack love. To love others is in all of us, it is put into us from the beginning of our being, from our loving God, so why should we hide it from others. (…)

I don’t regret a single day of my life here, even though it was hard at times.

Published 09/06/2015

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