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8/6/2015 - RMG - Training Course for New Provincials

(ANS - Rome)- Today, 8 June, the training course for new provincials begins at the Generalate of the Salesian Congregation. From now until 20 June, ten provincials from four different regions will meet with the Rector Major and his Councillors to study the way forward for the Congregation and the way to carry out their ministry of animation and government.

The course is being coordinated by the Vicar of the Rector Major, Fr Francis Cereda, and organized by his Secretary, Fr Saimy Ezhanikatt. The participants are:

  • Fr Charles Randimbisoa, Madagascar (MDG)
  • Fr Godfrey D'Souza, India-Mumbai (INB)
  • Fr Nirmol Gomes, India-Kolkata (INC)
  • Fr Honorio Caucamán, Argentina South (ARS)
  • Fr Gildasio Dos Santos, Brazil-Campo Grande (BCG)
  • Fr Asídio Deretti, Brazil-Porto Alegre (BPA)
  • Fr Javier Ortiz, Bolivia (BOL)
  • Fr Jorge Molina, Ecuador (ECU)
  • Fr Hugo Orozco, Mexico-Guadalajara (MEG)
  • Fr Ted Montemayor, US West (SUO).

There are two new features in the methodology of this year’s course. Great attention is being given to direct, personal individual interviews with the Rector Major and the other members of the Council. This will give the new provincials a better knowledge of the priorities and the present situation of the Congregation. Secondly, strong attention will be paid to the legal elements and the guidelines of Canon Law on the service of government by the Provincial.

There will also be moments of spiritual sharing, with the Eucharist and community prayer daily, and a day of retreat, scheduled for Saturday 13 June, which will be led by the Rector Major.

Published 08/06/2015                         

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