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23/5/2015 - RMG - Everything Ready for the Feast of Mary Help of Christians

(ANS - Rome)- Tomorrow, May 24, the Salesian world across the globe celebrates "the Madonna of Don Bosco."Expectations are high especially in Turin due to the added specialty of this year, when we commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of the saint of Turin and also the institution of the liturgical feast of Mary Help of Christians by Pope Pius VII.

Over the next few hours, the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians at Turin, will become the focal point of many celebrations.We present below the programme listing that will be broadcast live through television channelTelepace.

Saturday, May 23:

·    21:00 Hrs - Live broadcast of the Night vigil, attended also the Salesian Bishops from around the world, present these days in Turin for their gathering;midnight Mass presided by Salesian Cardinal Daniel Fernando Sturla Berhouet, Archbishop of Montevideo, Uruguay.

Sunday, May 24:

·    11:00 Hrs - Solemn Mass presided by the Archbishop of Turin, Mgr.Caesare Nosiglia (delayed transmission from 12:30 Hrs)

·    18:30 Hrs - Live broadcast of the solemn Mass, presided by the Rector Major, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime.Thanks to the collaboration of the Community of "Canção Nova" - 25th group of the Salesian Family - The Mass will be broadcast live & viaweb streaming onthe

·    20:30 Hrs - Live broadcast of the Solemn Procession of Mary Help of Christians.        

We would like to remind you finally that since this year is a very special year, the Feast of Mary Help of Christians coincides incidentally with the Feast of Pentecost. Hence, the festivities will continue to underline Mary Help of Christians also until the following day - Monday, May 25th.

Posted on 23/05/2015

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