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19/5/2015 - Italy - Meeting of the delegates of Social Communication from the Mediterranean region

(ANS – Turin) – The 4 days of meeting with the delegates of Social Communication from the provinces of the Mediterranean region was characterised by intense work, moments of prayer and brotherly atmosphere. Fr. Filiberto Gonzalez, the General Councillor for Social Communication, coordinated the moments of work and sharing.

The days spent at Valdocco, Turin from 14th to 17th May, did offer an opportunity to participate in the spiritual pilgrimage being made in view of the Bicentenary of DB and in the Exposition of the Holy Shroud.

The occasion also coincided with the Turin book-fair, which facilitated a visit to the stall of Elle Di CI, the Salesian publication. The publication presented each of delegates with a book on Don Bosco edited by what can be defined as “Agasso family” with its 3 writers.

The presence and the activities of the “Primaradio”, the radio station of the Salesians of Piemonte was a subject of great interest and significance. The direct transmission from a booth in the book-fair offered possibilities of similar reality of Lingotto.

During the meeting, there have been references to various initiatives and realities present in different provinces of the region, in this sector, which expressed the missionary involvement of the Salesians and the communities. It dwelt on one of our fundamental apostolic fields that has acquired a new way of being today, especially sustained and supported by an adequate renewal of initial and on-going formation.

Certainly, they demand new levels of commitment and attention that includes even technical support. The motive of documentation is necessary, so as not to loose the past memories and records, of persons and institutions that have made our charism alive and significant, and the activities that breath vitality to the Salesian Family today.

The sharing that began in Turin during these days, certainly will continue in a relationship that intends to involve more and more, the areas of governance and animation of the provinces and provincials, confreres and communities, youngsters and the members of the Saleisan Family.

Published on 19/05/2015


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