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13/5/2015 - Nepal - “Mother Mary Protect us and Intercede for us all”

(ANS – Kathmandu) – “Dear Lord, its ENOUGH of SHAKING... Please have mercy on us SINNERS and do not send this tremor again. Your children, we pray to you… Mother Mary Protect us and Intercede for US all”. This is the prayer published on the face book page of the Salesians of Nepal, few hours after the earthquake of yesterday, 12th May. Also the prayer of an entire nation that has been shaken up by another earthquake, the second within few days and are assailed by fear.

The first tremor of earthquake of yesterday, with the magnitude of 7.4 in Richter scale, followed by six other strong tremors within an hour and half, have caused great damages in Kathmandu and extensive landslides in the valleys. It is reported that 60 have died, of which 17 in India and one in Tibet, and another 1000 injured, which add to the previous count of 8,159 dead on the 25th April.

 “We just completed shooting in a location that was completely destroyed – narrated some of the members of the “Don Bosco Relief Team” - just as we got in the vehicle when the earthquake took place. People ran out of the buildings. I saw the buildings tremble and swing … and when I got out of the vehicle I could feel the earth tremble bellow my feet. We stood on there for a while. Driving back home people were making tents in the open areas. Rains that threaten could worsen the situation”.

Meanwhile, the Apostolic Nuncio to India and Nepal, Mgr. Salvatore Pennacchio, got in touch with the Salesians of Nepal for information about their work and their needs. It is reported that during these days many have promised donations, but have not received anything. He praised decision of the Salesian to purchase relief supplies from Siliguri, India and send them to Nepal, as it is currently difficult to send money directly to Nepal. He did enquire about the collaboration with the Caritas – which is limited due various conditions. Also the rescue teams of Salesians are operating mainly in 11 villages, in five districts closest to the presence of the Salesian Family.

Finally, he expressed his desire to meet with those who are responsible for DBRT that is active in Nepal and would like to assist the Salesians’ commitment to the victims of the earthquake.

The Salesians in Nepal have said that the reopening of the schools that was scheduled for 15th May is postponed to 29th of this month for security reasons. 

On the actual reality of the people of Nepal, the Don Bosco IMAGE of Kochi, India has made a short serial video.

Published on 13/05/2015

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