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30/4/2015 - Italy - Expo Milano 2015 ready for off, and the Salesian Family is there

(ANS - Milan) - Expo Milano 2015 opens tomorrow 1 May. The Salesian Family will be participating with the Casa Don Bosco pavilion, the only one that bears the name of a person, and what is more, a saint, and the only one that refers to a religious family and not a State, an organization or a business company. Our participation, in addition to recalling the bicentenary of the birth of Saint John Bosco, will also serve to publicize the commitment of the Salesian Family to the themes of Expo.

The Salesian Family is taking part in the category for Participants from Civil Society. It entered Expo because it recognizes the considerable cultural and educational value of the exhibition and wants to make its contribution to the development of the overall theme of the event "Feeding the planet, energy for life," interpreting it in the light of our history and charism: "Educating young people, energy for life".

The Salesian presence is intended to affirm that there are two sure ways to contribute to environmental sustainability and the future of the planet: education and leadership of young people. On display will be "the effects of the Salesian educational system, shown in the testimonies of past pupils who lived and grew up in the school of Don Bosco. These include businessmen and educators, teachers and politicians, men and women from the five continents who will testify how this educational model is put in practice, helping young people to grow, every day throughout the world."

Two hundred years after his birth, Don Bosco still has much to say and to offer parents and educators, and society all over the world, by putting the younger generation at the centre of personal attention and political agendas. The integral human and spiritual education of young people is the basic aim of Salesian education worldwide. It is the essential weapon in the fight against extreme poverty and all the new forms of poverty, and the necessary means to achieve equitable and sustainable integral human development.

It is worth bearing in mind that the Agenda for Development Post 2015 will be approved in September 2015. The Salesian Family wants to participate in this debate and one way of doing so is precisely our participation in Expo 2015.

Among the first activities planned for Casa Don Bosco in Milan will be the Ninth National Competition of Masterpieces of the Professional Sectors. This is being organized by the National Centre for Salesian Works - Training and Professional Development (CNOS-FAP) and will open next Monday 4 May.

Published 30/04/2015

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