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7/4/2015 - Italy - The company of "thousands" - Civil Service volunteers with the Salesians

(ANS – Rome) – On March 16, 2015 the Italian National Office for Civil Service had published the Notice for the start of volunteerism for the year 2015-16, an event eagerly awaited not only by the young, but also by the Salesians and by lay people who are at the sites, implementing the projects. This year, the Federation of "Salesians for Social Work" received a number of approved projects, that will involve another 800 young people, in addition to the nearly 200 young people who have already started in March with the program "Youth Guarantee".

With the publication of this Civil Service Notice for 2015, the Salesians have 834 available positions for these young people who can be accommodated, trained and employed in volunteer services at various locations, in one of the 67 approved projects within Italian supervision.

Aside from these 818 possible volunteers, there are already 173 youngsters who started last March with the program "Youth Guarantee" - which is being carried out in the sunny regions of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Sardinia, Lazio, Basilicata, Campania, Puglia and Sicily.

Most probably, in the Salesian houses all over Italy – but not only Italy, as some projects are based abroad – young people will come, knowing little or nothing about Don Bosco, and this may be an opportunity for a process of being acquainted with his person and his charism, especially in this year of his 200th birthday.

"Doing Civil Service in Italy with the Salesians is a good opportunity to undertake and carry out our active citizenship by availing of the valuable educational system of Don Bosco. A year to grow, form oneself, and get involved by facing everyday society around us and ourselves," testifies Rossella, who for more than seven years is in charge of Civil Service for the Salesians in Italy.

Her statement adds to those of Stephen, the coordinator for the Civil Service abroad: "The Civil Service projects outside our country are an opportunity for young people to deal with another culture, grow personally and develop a professional experience in the education sector. Each volunteer will have, in fact, the possibility to carry out their service in the role of animator and educator. "

The countries involved, for the Civil Service projects abroad are Spain, Madagascar, Bosnia, Bolivia, Angola, Burundi and Palestine, thanks to the collaboration of VIS, which is the Salesian NGO that deals with international cooperation.

All information about the projects and how to apply in Italy and abroad are available on the website of “Salesiani per il Sociale”.

Posted on 07/04/2015

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