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2/4/2015 - South Korea - Fr Raphael Lee missionary departure

(ANS – Seoul) – After serving as parish priest for two years of Guro 3-dong in Seoul, Fr Raphael Lee left as a missionary for Tonj in South Sudan last 31 March. He shared that there is the heavy feeling of leaving for the missions at an old age (56 years!), but he cannot deny that his heart is filled with joy because he feels “like committing a bit more in bringing God's love to those in need.”

By Hilario Seo, SDB

He adds further that, “Thinking that it would take a long time to understand the local situation,” he has resolved “to do everything possible to be well accepted by the local people and to be able to contribute to what is useful for the few confreres of the community of Tonj.”

He could not hide his concern about the warm weather which he is not accustomed to—and also the possibility of frequent illnesses—but the passion of his heart that desires to live more radically the teaching of the Gospel has been a true engine to make him decide to set out for the missions. The encouragement of the confreres who live in Sudan, is another factor that stimulated his preference for the missions.

In a homily he delivered in the Mass of his missionary expedition held last March 30, Fr Rafael, recalled the history of his vocation with serene voice. He had first encountered with the Salesians when he was in the secondary school. Among others, Fr Vincenzo Donati – an italian who has already lived for more than 30 years in Japan and Korea and then jumped to Africa in 1982 in response to the Rector Major, Don Edigio Vigano's appeal for the Africa project – invited him to consider the Salesian vocation. He recalled also that last year was even spent to collect material aid for the poor people of the mission. He would like to "learn more of the true religious and priestly life and want to receive the secret of the joy of life in preaching the gospel of Christ."

After the homily the Provincial Superior, Fr Stephen Yang, handed the missionary cross to Fr Rafael.

Tonj in South Sudan is a well-known village for most Koreans since it is where the community in which Fr John Lee had dedicated his life for eight years until 2008. The expedition of Fr Raphael is familiar not only to the Salesian Family but also the people of Korea who still remember and love the Fr John Lee because of his heroism (The documentary film about Fr John Lee with title of ‘Don’t cry for me Tonj!’ was big success). After the sudden death of John Lee, except only a short period of the stay of Fr Henry Woo who was missionary too in Tonj, there had been no correspondence from Korean Salesian.

Fr Raphae Lee made his first Salesian vow in 1984, he was ordained in 1991 after which he was appointed in the province as director and master of novices and recently, parish priest. After studying in the diocesan seminary in Kwangju, he had studied for three years at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome and obtained a master’s degree at Potsdam University in New York in pastoral counseling.

His excellent language skills, sense of optimism, and talent for music will come handy that will contribute for the success of his missionary life in Africa, Tonj. Also, his strong desire to live deeply the values of the Gospel would be a good example in the midst of the local people.

Fr Raphael Lee will have a break for a few days in a Salesian community in Juba, the capital city of South Sudan from where enters the final destination, the community of Tonj.

Let us pray for him, that the Lord may bless him, protect him and accompany him in his missionary journey so that he may also proclaim the Gospel to the kids with joy and happiness. Another story that will be told is his new missionary life which has become another seed for the Salesian Family, in particular for the new generation.

Published 2/04/2015

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