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30/3/2015 - RMG - An Essay on the Salesian house of Essen-Borbeck

(ANS – Rome) – A booklet in German by Johannes Wielgoss, SDB, entitled "Das Haus der Salesianer Don Boscos in Essen-Borbeck von der Gründung bis GO II. Vatikanischen Konzil "(The House of the Salesians of Don Bosco in Essen-Borbeck from the foundation up to Vatican II) has just been published by the Salesian University Library (LAS). It is part of the PiccolaBiblioteca series of the Salesian Historical Institute.

The essay on the Salesian house of Essen opens with an account of its foundation in 1921 and the gradual development of the Salesian Oratory located in the west of the city. It was a work commissioned and supported by the Salesian Cooperators who were ideologically close to German social Catholicism. True to the educational principles of Don Bosco, the Salesian community tried to respond to the educative and formative needs of the children and teenagers, and became a reference point for the Church in the area. Its activities extended beyond the boundaries of the city and it became a model for others. The Salesians managed to fuse the idea of ​​the Salesian Oratory with the typical aims of Catholic youth associations in Germany.

On the eve of World War II, because of the strict requirements of the Nazi state, the Salesian youth centre lost its important role.

In addition to the youth centre, the Salesians had opened a school in Essen in 1923 for the promotion of late vocations (known as Sons of Mary), continuing the work begun in Penango, between 1898 and 1900, where German speaking candidates received their formation. From then on the school in Essen was intended for candidates from the north of Germany. But after flourishing for years this institution also had to close in 1940, again on account of the Nazi persecution.

The promising Salesian work was closed by the Gestapo, contrary to law, on 5 August 1941.

Salesian activity resumed in the summer of 1945, in the house damaged by bombing, due to a personal initiative of the first Rector of the post-war period. The situation at the time called for the foundation of a centre to train apprentices. This was followed by the opening of a school. For a long time the events of the war weighed heavily on the life of the community. The leadership of the Province also ordered the reopening of the school for late vocations from the north of Germany.

The work of the youth centre and that of the school went very well. From 1964 onwards the centre opened also in the evening, although the quality of the educational work suffered because of the shortage of premises.

The resumption of the various activities of the apostolate, including the work in the Salesian parish, flourished for a short time, but met great difficulties due to the devastating consequences of Nazism and war. These were overcome only in the years 1963-65.  Then followed another delicate period of transformation and change, due among other things to the Second Vatican Council.

Published 30/03/2015

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