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25/3/2015 - RMG - A new video from the Rector Major to his "Dear Confreres"

(ANS - Rome)- In conjunction with the first anniversary of his election to the office of Rector Major, and now on the threshold of Holy Week, the Tenth Successor of Don Bosco, Fr Ángel Fernández Artime, is sending a new video to all Salesians with his quarterly message entitled "Dear Confreres". The Supremacy of God - "the irrepressible priority of God in our lives" - is at the centre of the thought offered on this occasion.

Acknowledging the Rector Major’s wish to reach all Salesians as clearly and directly as possible, the Department for Social Communication took steps to make the video message available in twenty-one different languages, four more than the first in the series, published last November.

In the short four-minute message, the Rector Major speaks to his confreres in a spirit of closeness and paternity, eager to meet the different communities and to "look the Salesians in the eye", if not directly, at least through the medium of the video.

Don Á.F. Artime recalls recent events in the Congregation, the presentation of the Strenna and the commitment to be "Like Don Bosco, with young people and for young people." For this reason the Rector Major invites us to live our lives as Salesians respecting "the primacy of God", aware of the great tradition of holiness of the Salesian Family and as an authentic service of the young.

The message ends with a greeting addressed to the whole Salesian Family "with whom no doubt there will be other opportunities to meet”. He invoked the blessing of Don Bosco and Mary Help of Christians on all; but at the same time Fr Á.F. Artime takes the opportunity to reiterate his desire to reach specifically "my fellow Salesians, because this was the intention I had at the beginning and because I really feel the need of it."

The videos are available on YouTube at ANSChannel.

Published 25/03/2015

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