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10/3/2015 - India - A new hostel to enable indigenous children to attend school

(ANS - Tillapara)- Thanks to the generosity of a benefactor, the Don Bosco Missions association in Turin has recently completed the construction of a hostel for the children of the Tillapara region in Assam, a state in North Eastern India.

In Tillapara there are two different ethnic groups, the Rabhas and Garo. It was precisely in response to a request from the latter that the Salesians developed a project for the construction of a hostel that allows young people from remote villages where there are no educational services to attend school regularly.

The work has not been easy and there have been several interruptions due to ethnic clashes in the region. Apart from these conflicts, there were frequent floods and problems in obtaining materials and workers, but these difficulties did not prevent the work being completed. The hostel will welcome children from the next school year.

A father from Tillapara said: "For us the hostel is a gift from heaven. There are many children in our villages who are illiterate, not because they don’t want to study, but because the school is 10 km away and they could not walk that distance every day. I am very happy that this hostel has been built. Now we can hope for a better future for the children of our villages!"

Published 10/03/2015

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