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18/2/2015 - South Sudan - Welcome to the Rector Major

(ANS – Juba) – On the 17th of February the Juba International Airport was flooded with colourful banners, traditional dancers, children and youth people of the Don Bosco Mission, Juba to welcome the Rector Major of the Salesians.

by Fr. Jacob Thelekkadan, SDB

The activities in the Airport came to a standstill as the Parishioners and the Salesian Family stormed Ethiopian Airways to welcome Fr Angel Fernandez Artime, the Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco. As soon as he arrived he was interviewed by the National Television SSTV.

The Salesian Family was led by Fr Gianni Rolandi, the Provincial of Eastern Africa, Sr Roberta Tomassi, the Sister Provincial of the FMA, and Fr Ferrington, Delegate for Sudan and South Sudan. Fr Á.F. Artime reached the Salesian Mission accompanied by a convoy of Vehicles escorted by the South Sudan Police Force.

The Rector Major caused a major surprise by mingling with the traditional dancers and child dancers. The people who gathered to welcome him were astonished by the familiarity, warmth and fatherliness of the Rector Major as he moved along and greeted everyone on his way to the Mission.

The rousing welcome was followed by a short greeting and prayer, and the blessing of the crowd that came to welcome him. His first message was the JOY that he felt being among the happy faces of a nation that had suffered long years of war and conflict. He was struck by the poverty of the neighbourhood, the simplicity of the people and the joyful faces that came out of their homes to have a glimpse of Don Bosco among Us. He was proud that the Salesian Family was very close to this vulnerable population and exclaimed more than once that Don Bosco is truly present and at home among the poor.

The curiosity was so high that one little girl came to me and asked: "Is it the Don Bosco that we were talking about these days, that he would be among us? Wow!" Two little girls begged the driver of the Rector Major's car: "please allow us to enter the car of Don Bosco". They managed it with great joy, euphoria and excitement! The day ended with a simple prayer and dinner with the Salesian Family. In his Good Night Fr Angel emphasized: "The poor will save us. The Lord reaches out to us through the poor. I am happy that the Salesian family is here - SDBs, FMAs and CARITAS Sisters of Jesus".

Published 18/02/2015

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