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9/2/2015 - Italy - SYM: Bicentenary Year Forum in the Lombardo-Emiliana Province

(ANS - Milan) – The Forum is one of the most eagerly anticipated events in the calendar of the Salesian Youth Movement of the Lombardo-Emiliana Province. This year’s forum was held yesterday, Sunday 8 February, at the Salesian Institute of St. Ambrose in Milan.

The event is intended primarily for university students and workers; young families; young leaders and assistants from the Scuola Formazione Animatori and participants in the Provincial vocations programmes of the Salesians and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

The programme began on Saturday with a night vigil at the Basilica of Saint Ambrose. The Sunday activities began with the report of Fr Rossano Sala, professor at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome. He spoke of the difficulties that characterized the first centenary of the birth of Don Bosco, in 1915, during the First World War, when over 2000 Salesians were on the front. He also highlighted the challenge of Pope Francis when he said that "the best one to evangelize a young person  ... is precisely another young person!" - something Don Bosco had already understood well.

The second part of the morning was taken up with a penitential liturgy and Eucharistic adoration, as well as discussion and a chance to hear some testimonies of youthful apostolate - working with foreign children, experiences of street evangelization, the courage required to leave for the mission, etc.

In the early afternoon, as is traditional at the SYM Forum, the post-novices of Nave performed the show "At the time of Gio." in the Salesian Auditorium in Milan. Before an audience of various personalities of the Salesian Family and other celebrities from Milan, the young Salesians in formation, led by Fr Erino Leoni, Rector of the Formation community in Nave, and Bro. Paolo Zini, reflected on time and the good use of time, and on the gift of life and vocation.

Fr Claudio Cacioli presided at the concluding Eucharist. Fr Elio Cesari reminded all present of some upcoming SYM events and officially opened registration for the summer pilgrimage of the young people of the SYM of the province to attend the World SYM Meeting at Turin and Colle Don Bosco from 9 to 16 August. They will visit some Salesian houses of Lombardy, Emilia and Piedmont, carrying the SYM Bicentenary Cross, which is already on a tour of Salesian and FMA houses.

Several articles are available online on the profiles of MGS ILE on YouTubeFacebookInstagram and Twitter.

Published 09/02/2015

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